Wednesday 2 March 2016

General Science Chemistry- 6

76. Which is also known as ‘paraffin oil’?
(a)      Petrol                                         (b) Diesel
(c) Kerozene                                     (d) Naphta
Answer: (c)

77. Gottileb Daimler invented  
(a) Petrol engine                                (b) Diesel engine
(c) Carburettor                                   (d) Jet Engine
Answer: (c)

78.  The temperature at which it will continue to bum for at least fiveseconds after ignition by an open flame is called:
(a)  fire point                                            (b) flash point
(c) Autoignition point                               (d) Octane number
Answer: (a)

79. The Basel Convention is related to:
(a) Hazardous Wastes                               (b) War Prisoners
(c) Nuclear Weapons                                   (d) Drugs
Answer: (a)

80. What is known as ‘king of chemicals’?
(a) Hydrochloric acid                                       (b) Sulphuric acid
(c) Nitric acid                                                         (d) Acetic acid
Answer: (b)

81. The acid present in eye lotion:
(a) Citric acid                                                (b) Boric acid
(c) Nitric acid                                               (d) Carbolic acid
Answer: (b)

82. Which vitamin is also known as Ascorbic acid?
(a) Vitamin A                                        (b) Vitamin C
(c) Vitamin D                                           (d) Vitamin E
Answer: (b)

83. The gas used by plants to respire during day time:
(a) C02                                                  (b) Methane
(c) Nitrogen                                        (d) Oxygen
Answer: (d)

84. The gas used in factories to make Soda Water
(a) Carbon Dioxide                                     (b) Ozone
(c) Ammonia                                                (d) Helium
Answer: (a)

85. The second least dense metal:
(a) Potassium                                         (b) Sodium        
(c) Aluminium                                        (d) Lithium
Answer: (a)

86. The hardest metal:
(a)  iron                                               (b) Iridium
(c) Chromium                                       (d) Tungsten
Answer: (c)

87. Metal that is the best conductor of heat:
(a) Iron                                                           (b) Gold
(c) Silver                                                           (d) Copper
Answer: (c)

88. Stibnite is the ore of:
(a) Antimony                               (b) Lead
(c) Tin                                               (d) Zinc
Answer: (a)

89. Ore of chromium:
(a) Chromite                                            (b) Nichrome
(c) Wolfram                                             (d) Sphalerite
Answer: (a)

90. Magnesium silicate is:
(a) Soda ash                                           (b) Quartz
(c) Potash                                               (d) Talc

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