Thursday, 4 February 2016

General Science Biology- 15

256.Which is the largest animal ever evolved in the history of earth:
Answer: Whale

257.The clonned cat:
Answer:  Carbon Copy

258.The world’s smallest mammal is :
Answer: Bumblebee bat

259.Which rodent is related to ‘mass suicide myth’?
Answer: Lemming

260.Anaconda is a native of:
Answer: South America

261.Only reptile with a four chambered heart:
Answer: Crocodile

262.Parkinson’s disease affects:
Answer: Nervous system

263.Pavo Chistatus is the scientific name of:
Answer: Peacock

264.Snakes recognise smell using:
Answer:  Tongue

265.The bird that can fly backwards:
 Answer: Humming bird

266.The bird which uses its wings for swimming:
Answer: Penguin

267.The study of eye:
 Answer: Ophthalmology

268.The study of skin:
Answer: Dermatology

269.Which part of the retina has no power of vision:
Answer: Blind spot

270.The pigment that gives colour to Skin:
Answer: Melanin

271.The diameter of the eye ball:
Answer: 2.5 cm

272.Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of vitamin:
Answer: A

273.Which organism has the highest power of olefaction?
Answer:  Shark

274.The clonned dog:
Answer:  Snupy

275.The heaviest Reptile:
Answer: Salt Water Crocodile
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