Thursday, 4 February 2016

General Science Biology- 16

276.The largest amphibian:
Answer: Giant salamander

277.The largest carnivorous animal in the land:
Answer: Polar bear

278.The largest in the cat family:
Answer: Tiger

279.The largest vertebrate:
Answer: Blue Whale

280.The number of chambers in the heart of birds:
Answer: 4

281.The study of snakes:
 Answer: Ophiology

282.Which animal has the largest number of names?
Answer: Puma

283.Which animal is known as ‘the engineer of forest’?
Answer: Beever

284.The largest frog in the world is called.....
Answer: Goliath Frog

285.The organism that lives in the den made by other organisms:
Answer:  Snake

286.Fish that can climb tree:
Answer: Anabus

287.Land of Flying fish:
Answer: Barbados

288.The venom of Cobra affects:
Answer:  Nervous system

289.Which is known as ‘dog fish’?
Answer: Shark

290.Which is known as ‘king of fish’?
Answer: Whale Shark

291.Which is known as ‘Poorman’s fish’?
Answer: Sardine

292.Which mammal is known as ‘laughing fish’?
Answer: Dolphin

293.Which organism has the largest number of ribs?
Answer: Snakes

294.Rabies is also known as:
 Answer: Hydrophobia

295.Bombay Duck is a type of :
Answer: Fish
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