16. More rate of photosynthesis occurs in
A. red light
B. white light
C. blue light D. yellow light
Answer:(b )
17. Plants produce energy during
A. respiration
B. photosynthesis
C. absorption
D. transpiration
Answer:( b)
18. Which one of the following diseases is inheritable?
A. hepatitis
B. colour blindness
C. leukaemia D. malignancy
Answer:(b )
19. The compound used in anti malarial drug is
A. aspirin
B. chloroquine
C. neoprene
D. isoprene
Answer:( b)
20. Which acid is produced when milk gets sour?
A. Acetic acid B. Lactic acid
C. Tartaric acid D. Butyric acid
Answer:(b )
21. In which one of the following animals is skin a respiratory organ?
A. frog B. shark
C. whale
D. cockroach
Answer:(a )
22. Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with
A. iron B. lead
C. aluminium
D. magnesium
Answer:( b)
23. Which soil is rich in organic debris?
A. loam soil B. humus soil
C. saprophyte D. none of these
Answer:(b )
24. Azadiracta
indica is the botanical name of
A. rice
B. neem
C. sandal D. turmeric
Answer:(b )
25. The major part of solar radiation is harvested by the
A. plants B. animals
C. human beings D. none of the above
Answer:(a )
26. The largest living animals belong to the group of
A. fishes B. birds
C. reptiles D. mammals
Answer:( d)
27. Yellow fever is spread by
A. air B.
C. house fly D. mosquito
Answer:( c)
28. Glucose is stored in our body in the form of
A. fat B. insulin
C. amino acids D. glycogen
Answer:(d )
29. Rh factor is present in
A. blood B. urine
C. lymph D. sputum
Answer:( a)
30. Birds excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of
A. urea B. ammonia
C. fatty acids D. uric acid
Answer:( d)
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Very useful...!Thank u