Monday 21 March 2016

General Science - 15

221. The organism with the highest power of olfaction:
(a) Dog                 (b) Shark
(c) Snake             (d) Cat
Answer: (b)

222. The slowest fish:
(a) Sailfish                 (b) Mackerel
(c) Seahorse             (d)  lima
Answer: (c)

223. The fastest swimmer:
(a) Whale                  (b) Shark
(c) Dolphin                (d) Sailfish
Answer: (d)

224. In which species offspring’s come out of the abdomen of male organism?
(a)  Sea Horse                  (b) Turtle
(c) Penguin                       (d) Crocodile
Answer: (a)

225. The largest fish:
(a) Tuna                           (b) Whale Shark
(c) Mackerel                   (d) Eel
Answer: (b)

226. The number of chambers in the heart of fish:
(a) 2                                 (b) 3
(c) 4                                 (d) 5
Answer: (a)

227. Fish that can produce electricity:
(a) Tuna                             (b) Eel
(c) Mackerel                     (d) Sardine
Answer: (b)

228. Which fish is known as 'Sea horse'?
(a) Hippocampus                       (b) Mackerel
(c) Shade                                       (d) Tuna
Answer: (a)

229. Which is related to fish production?
(a) Brown revolution                (b) Green revolution
(c) Blue revolution                    (d) Yellow revolution
Answer: (c)

230. Bombay Duck is a type of:
(a) Italy                         (b) Barbados
(c) Bird                          (d) Fish
Answer: (d)

231. Fish that can climb tree:
(a) Anabus                       (b) Hippocampus
(c) Eel                                (d) Sardine
Answer: (a)

232. Which is known as 'Poor man's fish'?
(a) Mackerel                        (b) Sardine
(c) Anabus                              (d) Eel
Answer: (b)

233. The respiratory organ of fish:
(a) Gills                                 (b) Lungs
(c) Book lungs                    (d) MalpighianTubes
Answer: (a)

234. The organisms that sleep with eyes open:
(a) Reptiles                             (b) Amphibians
(c) Fish                                     (d) Mammals
Answer: (c)

235. Land of Flying fish:
(a) Reptile                               (b) Amphibian
(c) Norway                                 (d) Japan
Answer: (b)
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