Monday 21 March 2016

General Science - 17

251. Barbari is a type of goat originated in Berbera region of.
(a) America                     (b) Africa
(c) Europe                       (d) Asia
Answer: (b)

252. Jamnapari is a type of:
(a)   Dog               (b) Camel
(c) Cow                 (d) Goat
Answer: (d)

253. The poultry item Rhode Island belongs to:
(a) Japan                 (b) USA
(c) Australia           (d) China
Answer: (b)

254. Angora goat is mainly reared for its:
(a) Milk                   (b) Hair
(c) Horn                   (d) Hoof
Answer: (b)

255. Dalmatian is a type of.
(a) Cat           (b) Cow
(c) Dog          (d) Pig
Answer: (c)

256. The native land of Swiss Brown cow:
(a) Sweden                           (b) Netherlands
(c) Switzerland                   (d) India
Answer: (c)

257. Azolla which can be used as cattle feeder is a type of.
(a) Algae                         (b) Fungi
(c) Lichen                        (d) Bacteria
Answer: (a)

258. Malabari is a type of:
(a) Cow        (b) Goat
(c) Pig           (d) Dog
Answer: (b)

259. Which is called 'protector of babies' in Europe?
(a) Rabbit                            (b) Goat
(c) Buffalo                             (d) Camel
Answer: (b)

260. Dash Hunt is a variety of:
(a) Cow        (b) Pig
(c) Poultry  (d) Dog
Answer: (d)

261. Cattle belong to the family:
(a) Primates                 (b) Pinnipedes
(c) Bovidae                   (d) None of these
Answer: (c)

262. Which country has the largest number of cattle?
(a) Pakistan            (b) Russia
(c) China                  (d) India
Answer: (d)

263. The native land of Sindhi
(a) China                              (b) England
(c) Pakistan                                   (d) Iran
Answer: (c)

264. Ayrshire is a variety of:
(a) Sheep     (b) Dog
(c) Cow         (d) Pig
Answer: (c)

265. The native land of Lagoon poultry:
(a) Italy                                      (b) India
(c) Netherlands                       (d) China
Answer: (a)
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