Monday 21 March 2016

General Science - 16

236. The organism that can move according to the magnetic force of the earth:
(a) Snake                          (b) Snail
(c) Frog                             (d) Millipede
Answer: (b)

237. The organism that spreads Elephantiasis:
(a) Culex mosquito                    (b) Anopheles mosquito
(c) Rat flee                                   (d) Plasmodium
Answer: (a)

238. Which organism has the largest eye?
(a) Elephant                          (b) Giraffe
(c) Rhino                                  (d) Giant squid
Answer: (d)

239. Which organism identifies taste using its legs ?
(a) Spider                           (b) Butterfly
(c) Frog                                (d) Cockroach
Answer: (b)

240. Which organism does not move itself?
(a) Snail                           (b) Sloth
(c) Sponge                     (d) Sea Urchin
Answer: (c)

241. Which is known as 'painted lady’ ?
(a) Spider                          (b) Butterfly
(c) Python                         (d) Beetle
Answer: (b)

242. Which organism is known as 'friend of the farmer' ?
(a) Rat                           (b) Earthworm
(c) Cow                         (d) Dog
Answer: (b)

243. The organism that eats its mate:
(a) Ant                            (b) Cockroach
(c) Crab                           (d) Spider
Answer: (d)

244. The largest insect:
(a) Cockroach                       (b) Rhinoceros Beetle
(c) Bug                                            (d) Goliath Beetle
Answer: (d)

245. The animal that has chlorophyll:
(a) Raccoon                                 (b) Euglina
(c) Paramecium                         (d) Sea Urchin
Answer: (b)

246. The respiratory organ of earthworm:
(a) Skin                                   (b) Book lungs
(c) Gills                                   (d) Lungs
Answer: (a)

247. Insect without wings:
(a) Beetle                                   (b) Bug
(c) Housefly                             (d) None of these
Answer: (b)

248. The chemical used by insects for communication:
(a) Auxins                              (b) Toxins
(c) Pheromones                    (d) Acids
Answer: (c)

249. The number of legs of a Crab:
(a) 4                                    (b) 6
(c) 1O                                    (d) 8
Answer: (c)

250. Cultivation of Bees:
(a) Sericulture                    (b) Horticulture
(c) Vermiculture                 (d) Apiculture
Answer: (d)
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